Theme Zone / 主題聯展:外衣 SKIN


然而如同人在選擇衣服一樣,「到底什麼衣服才是最適合自己?」在產品設計上,我們希望找到一樣的解答,如同生命不可或缺的皮膚、毛髮、鱗片,演化成最基本的需求與外界溝通的介面,產品外衣是否可以成為如此自然而然適切的存在,「為設計穿上最適合的外衣,design our skin」。

Skin is an important medium that contacts with the outside world. Many material, style and concept of contemporary design adopt the idea of synthesizing the natural and the artificial. This exhibition is to explore primarily in what is the most suitable skin for every object and how to design the right skin for the product.


  • 策展人: 吳協衡Balance Wu 楊以勤Yang I-Ching
  • 主辦:
  • 協辦:
  • 贊助:

