
Design Salon
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Concept Generation
9/30(一) 19:00-21:00

講者│Ben Landau

由設計師 Ben Landau帶領的「Concept Generation」,是本次設計沙龍的開場活動。他將以互動式的工作坊,引導參與者透過以設計師提供的三項清單,如產品與服務、材質、與情感定義,運用逆向工程的概念來思考,並創作出自己的產品或服務流程,最後參與者將嘗試推廣概念給設計師。如果受到肯定,參與者將得到一罐啤酒飲料和花生做為獎賞。

“Concept Generation” is part of the opening events for the Design Salon. Participants will be asked to draw an idea or innovation inspired by three categories; products and services, worldwide raw materials, and emotions. These will be used in focus groups to inspire final products. As the participants work, they will be paid in free beer and peanuts!

What am I doing here in Taiwan?
10/1(二) 19:00~21:00

講者│Gerard Jasperse


Gerard Jasperse (亞河瑞) is a Dutch designer who finds inspiration in history and culture, his focus has been on research-based projects at the intersection of art and design.

After studying at the Design Academy Eindhoven, he opened his own design studio and started working with various companies, institutions and museums. He adopted a wide range of materials, techniques and colors to create intriguing stories through design.

He is currently teaching at the Tainan University of Arts, in culture, character and research design. 

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後製造- 都市自然作為原產地
10/2(三) 19:00~21:00



This is a co-created project by four young designers, based on their graduation works. Through the project we see our urban landscape as primitive nature, thinking about ways to extract elements from there for further creations. Everyone can be a creator. In the talk we will review the project through three different aspects to respond to post-manufacturing in urban nature: deconstructive reshaping under observation, looking into possibilities of remanufacturing between craft and industrial materials, and exploring the new look of daily necessities. 

A Cross-Generation Perspective- The Mission and Expertise of Designers of the New Generation
10/3(四) 19:00-21:00


在過去工業化的年代,設計的目的是為了解決問題,進而創造價值;如今網路普及的時代,在科技與人類行為不斷地交互影響下,給了設計一個重新思考其本質的機會,設計是什麼?是富有美感的外型、大量生產,還是為社會創造幸福的生活? 新的時代需要新的思維能力,我們相信立足於新、舊兩個不同時代的設計師,能夠藉著彼此學習、合作,共同背負新時代設計師的責任。這場沙龍將由新世代機器人設計中心主任林俊莨主持,並邀請業界同好一起探討,過去十年來設計產業的異同。

When Marble meets coal ash
10/4(五) 19:00-21:00

講者│匠子設計創辦人 李東陽



Can marble be something else other than a tabletop, floor or sculpture? Have you ever thought about creating a work with marble? With this workshop, let’s make it possible!   

 CHANZSTUDIO will introduce the characteristics of marble, and demonstrate different knowledge and techniques to upcycle marble, from the moulding to the tumbling process. We will allow you to get hands on experience working with marble. (This event is in collaboration with TPCreative.)




Design Salon features a mix of talks, debates and workshops to reflect the most updated thinking in the current design scene. This is an opportunity to interact face-to-face with designers and stimulate new ideas.