ELLE X September Café 時髦雜貨舖│展期限定版

3X3 Design Show

精選世界各地居家風格,給於人們無限美好靈感,這是ELLE DECO。熱愛食物與設計,對於生活永遠充滿熱情,這是September Café。今年台灣設計師週,倆者強強聯手,推出展期限定的時髦雜貨舖,特別版的飲品、超吸睛的甜點、勾動關於設計無數想像的ELLE DECO雜誌等等,都將出現,改變你看生活的眼光。


ELLE DECO combines different decoration styles from around the world and provides countless thoughtful and creative inspirations. September Café is passionate about food, design and living life to the fullest. This year, at Taiwan’s Designers’ week, these two companies come together for a limited edition select shop!  Here, you will find specially made drinks and desserts to stimulate your palate and the magazine which cultivates imagination, ELLE DECO, will be available. They’re about to change how you look into life!