Creative Approach for IMAPCT

Theme Zone

創新,是在此刻做出未來理所當然的事。以成就各式創意流通平台為任的Loftwork,專案承接範圍從網頁設計到地域復興計劃,皆以不墨守成規,開放多樣可能的思考進行。本次於設計師週將以Branding & Media、Innovation Creativity、Future Space Design三個類別分享2016年度Loftwotk透過不同平台,橫跨多種領域啟動的專案與計畫成果。同時國際數位製造創意作品比賽YouFab Global Creative Awards也將於展場進行徵件!


Loftwork is a creative partner that provides innovation for our customer’s business activities through planning, production, and communication.

From web design to local redesign, we offers a wide range of services to our individual and business clients.

With this exhibition, we will present our diversified projects’ result of this year, and introduce global award competition – YouFab Global Creative Award !