
Design Links
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學學本屆PechaKucha Night與不太乖教育節團隊合作舉辦,以「未來教育的實驗」為主題,邀請來自藝術教育、策展教育、色彩教育、社會設計、體驗設計、教育設計、數位與媒體教育、偏鄉教育等各領域的工作者、教師、設計師或是創意人,分享教育設計的實例經驗。


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“Dedicated to every Naughty Education element of the past, present, and future.

It is precisely because of people like you that innovation and change constantly happen!"

PechaKucha Night Vol.30 of Taipei, the theme of ‘Instructional Design’, is cooperated by Xue Xue Institute and Naughty Education teams, inviting workers, teachers, designers, or creative people from the fields of arts education, curatorial education, social design, experiential design, educational design, digital and media education, remote rural area education and so forth, to show how education of the next generation can be changed through innovation and diversified thinking.


Naughty Education


The Naughty Education Festival is Taiwan’s first large-scale exhibition of educational content. It’s an innovative, new curatorial event initiated by the public from the bottom up, which lays claim to being the planet’s most interesting educational fair.

Open to the participation of original, creative, diverse and atypical views on education from people all over Taiwan, it uses the thinking and initiatives presented by individuals and all groups with ideals and passion towards the future of education in Taiwan.

Through innovative communication approaches, and intricate design considerations, combined with effective marketing communities, an educational exchange platform with ‘social influence’ is created.

The intention of the Naughty Education Festival is to create a sustainable movement, and then connect with more like-minded people to move forward together, so that respect for differences, and creation of diversity can truly become social values of education in Taiwan.

We also resolve to become a ‘social innovation movement’ dedicated to improving the status quo in education.



學學設計師交流之夜 PechaKucha Night Vol.30







