聽見設計展 Sound of Design

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聽見設計展由台灣第一個開放的音樂授權平台AddMusic加點音樂與數位音樂資訊平台 Digilog類比動態聯合主辦,希望讓音樂、設計與品牌能夠有更多的合作與交流。

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設計品除了能夠使用與欣賞,居然還可以用聽的?「聽見設計展」是第一個結合聽覺、視覺與觸覺的風格生活展,一個生活風格適合什麼樣的背景音樂?音樂在空間中到底有什麼樣的魔力?由五個設計品牌串聯眾多設計商品,將呈現各種不同的風格與音樂,精心策劃的概念展區與特色商店,將透過你親身體驗 / 比較,慢慢享受強烈的視覺與聽覺饗宴!

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“Sound of Design” is the first exhibition that combines auditory sense, vision and tactility. The main idea of the exhibition, including the conceptual area and brand stores area, is to assemble a wide variety of design-styles and music. It mainly consists of five different design brands, accompanying with a group of selected design products. What kind of music fits your life style? How can music transfer a space? It will be a truly visual and auditory feast for you to experience and enjoy in exhibition “Sound of Design” .


聽見設計展 Sound of Design


主辦單位|AddMusic 加點音樂 & Digilog 類比動態




活動地點|華山藝文園區 中4A


活動時間|2016.09.30-10.15(9.30 僅開放VIP入場)